diagram |
namespace |
http://www.landxml.org/schema/LandXML-1.2 |
properties |
content | complex | mixed | true |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | annotation | name | xs:string | required | | | | titleType | xs:anySimpleType | | | | |
annotation |
documentation | This may be expanded, but the LandXML schema is not really aimed at providing title information so I think name is sufficient |
source |
<xs:element name="Title">
<xs:documentation>This may be expanded, but the LandXML schema is not really aimed at providing title information so I think name is sufficient</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="titleType" type="xs:anySimpleType"/>
</xs:element> |